I Want That Job!: Data Scientist

Data science can tell a lot about our digital footprints

People working in data science can collect raw information and present it to companies to help them understand their consumers’ behaviors and also how to make better business decisions. Read more »

I Want That Job!: Fitness instructor

Staying in shape through the pandemic

With the holidays upon us, some are looking to 2021. What lies ahead? For many people, it’s the vow to take better care of themselves. According to IBISWorld—an industry research company—gym, health, and fitness clubs are a $33 billion industry in the U.S. Analysts say that’s a decline in revenue due to facility closures as a result of the pandemic. But it doesn’t mean people have stopped working out. Read more »

I Want That Job!: HVAC Technician

With winter upon us, who do you call when your heat isn’t working?

You call an HVAC technician for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Jason Huber became an HVAC tech two years ago. He says, typically, the number of service calls he makes in a day are weather-driven. Read more »

I Want That Job!: Dietitian

A registered dietitian nutritionist can get you eating right and on the path to good health

You’ve heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” It’s also well-known that the types of foods we eat can affect our health. The person with the expertise about ‘eating right’ is a dietitian. Read more »

I Want That Job!: Video Editor

Video editing is not only creative, it can be done remotely

Have you ever wondered how a movie or TV show is put together after it’s been shot? The look of a finished product is the work of a video editor. The editor takes the shot video or film footage and pieces it together, typically getting input from the project’s director. Read more »


I Want That Job!: Music therapist

Music is an effective therapy tool

Music therapists are health care professionals who use music as a therapeutic tool to help people deal with their physical, emotional, cognitive, and emotional needs.

Treatment can include singing or creating music. It can also include listening to music or moving to music. Read more »

I Want That Job!: Video Game Producer

Here’s a job you can get with an associate’s degree and good organizational skills

It may not be surprising that video game engagement has skyrocketed this year. Newzoo projects that the global games market will grow to almost $175 billion this year. This figure exceeds Newzoo’s forecast early in the pandemic by $15.6 billion. Read more »

I Want That Job!: Power Line Technician

Apprenticeship Program provides new employees with the training and skills necessary to be successful in the power line technician industry

Jacob Wageman served in the Marines for nine years. Upon being discharged, he was unsure of what he wanted to do. However, he soon found a new career opportunity: being a power line technician at Pike. Read more »

I Want That Job: Prep Cook

Vet2Chef trains veterans for one of the fastest-growing industries in the U.S.

The restaurant business is one of the fastest-growing industries in the U.S. It is estimated that by 2028, there will be almost two million new jobs in the industry. Vet2Chef, a program that trains veterans to become cooks, is looking to prepare former members of our military to fill these positions. Read more »

I Want That Job: Software Engineer

Code Platoon helps veterans make use of their military skills in a fast-growing, high-paying industry.

Learning how to code is one important way to acquire some of the most relevant skills for in-demand jobs, and is a great way to establish a solid foundation to secure a lifelong career in high-growth fields. For returning veterans, a career as a software engineer is a great way to make use of their military skills in a fast-growing, high-paying industry. Read more »

I Want That Job: Dental Hygienist

Here’s a future-proof job that can earn a great salary without a major investment in higher education.

Do you want a health care job that pays an excellent salary, has flexible hours and is needed all across the country? If so, then consider becoming a dental hygienist. Dental hygienists are highly-trained professionals who provide oral care to patients inside a dentist’s office. Their job entails routine cleanings, inspections, assessments and education. Read more »

I Want That Job: Financial Advisor

Financial Advising can be the ticket to a well-paying job with growth potential

Want a job that combines your business acumen, helping others and desire for a great paycheck? Consider becoming a Financial Advisor. Financial Advisors are professionals who work closely with their clients to help achieve their monetary goals. The job requires an interest in all things money related and a strong sense of empathy and care for your clients. Read more »

I Want That Job: Welder

Nathan explains what it takes to join this high-demand industry

Want a job that can take you to the top of skyscrapers or out to sea working on an offshore oil rig? Become a welder. Welding can take workers anywhere they want as it is a career that is in high demand in the U.S. and around the world. According to the American Welding Society, the industry will be short more than 450,000 welders by 2022. And that number is projected to grow. Read more »

I Want That Job: Senior Recruiter

Angela from FabFitFun explains why recruiting is the perfect fit for her

Are you inspired to become a matchmaker for employers and job seekers? Helping people connect to the right job can be your dream job too. Having the right soft skills is essential to success. Being a people person is the primary qualification for this rewarding career which can pay a median salary of $60,350 per year. Read more »

I Want That Job: Wind Turbine Technician

WorkingNation has an insider’s look into this well-paying job

If you have a healthy respect for heights and want to work in renewable energy, becoming a Wind Turbine Technician can be your entry into this growth industry. The star of our video, James Van Dyken, obtained his degree to become a Wind Turbine Technician from NW Renewable Energy Institute (NWREI) in Vancouver, WA. Read more »

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