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Past Events

October 2024

The Social Media Institute

Join us for a comprehensive four-part webinar series designed to elevate your social media strategy, connect with potential students, and engage community members effectively.

The Colleges That Can Save America

Join New America and the Washington Monthly virtually on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 3-4:30 p.m. ET for a conversation about the challenges and opportunities highlighted in Washington Monthly’s 2024 College Guide and Rankings.

May 2024

Unlocking Potential: Enhancing Community College Services for Immigrant and Refugee Students

Join us as we highlight a qualified yet often hidden talent pool in communities across America. Panelists will share insights from recent research on the vital role of community colleges in connecting immigrant and refugee students to credentials and career opportunities while championing workforce inclusion efforts.

January 2024

Stronger Nation 2024 Data Update Webinar

Lumina Foundation will share the country’s progress toward 60 percent of working-age adults with college degrees and high-quality certificates and industry-recognized certifications.

October 2023

Equitable College Completion

Join Lumina Foundation and Complete College America on October 26 at 4 p.m. EDT/1 p.m. PDT for a virtual discussion, “Equitable College Completion: Discussing Support for Predominantly Black Community Colleges and Historically Black Community Colleges.”

September 2023

The Great Admissions Redesign Informational Webinar

Now is the time to fundamentally reimagine admissions, enrollment, and financial aid systems to serve today’s students better. Lumina Foundation is launching the Great Admissions Redesign and is seeking to work with states, higher education systems, and groups of colleges and universities ready to transform how potential students apply, enroll, and access their institutions. Learn more about the Great Admissions Redesign and how to apply at this informational webinar.

July 2023

The Ruling Explained: The Future of Affirmative Action in Higher Education

Register now for Inside Higher Ed's exclusive webcast, "The Ruling Explained: The Future of Affirmative Action in Higher Education."

May 2023

Bouncing Back From the Enrollment Plunge

College enrollment rates are lower now than before the pandemic, and perhaps even more concerning, undergraduate credential completions fell for the first time in a decade in the 2021-2022 academic year.

January 2023

New U.S. Data on Education Levels: A Stronger Nation Update

Lumina Foundation will update the country’s progress toward 60 percent of working-age adults with college degrees and certificates and industry-recognized certifications.

October 2022

Analyzing and Optimizing Your College Website for Results

Creating websites that work better for the actual people we want to reach is critical to expanding access and meeting the mission and vision of your college. No matter your resource level, making data-informed decisions that support your strategic goals and optimize available resources is important. 

September 2022

Designing Student-Centered Websites for Community Colleges

This workshop will explore a process that helps colleges put students at the center, creates a more meaningful digital experience, optimizes available resources, and delivers measurable results.

Today's College Climb Opening Reception

You are invited to a reception to unveil the Today’s College Climb Photo Gallery. The exhibition features photo essays on the lives of today’s college students by award-winning documentary photographer Rachel Bujalski. Hosted by Northern Virginia Community College and Lumina Foundation, this unique event will feature a welcome from NOVA President Anne Kress, a brief documentary screening, remarks from Jamie Merisotis, Lumina Foundation president and CEO, and a student panel.

April 2022

Our Nation's Enrollment Plunge

Citing January’s National Student Clearinghouse data, higher ed enrollment has been on the decline for a while and took a major downturn over the last two years.  Lumina’s aim in hosting this virtual convening is to bring together experts to discuss the decline's long-term implications for individuals, especially for those populations who have been hit the hardest (e.g., Hispanic, Native American, adult, and community college students), as well as for society in general if enrollment and completion do not just bounce back but exceed pre-pandemic numbers.

March 2022

Designing for Racial Equity: Inclusive Pathways for Adults

Join us for our third of three webinars focused on helping states achieve racial justice and equity.

February 2022

The Million Dollar Community College Challenge Informational Webinar

Lumina is offering a 1 million dollar grant opportunity to eligible community colleges to support strategic marketing efforts and brand development. Community colleges that plan to apply should join us for a 1-hour informational webinar to learn more and ask additional questions.

Finding Spiritual Meaning in Human Work

Join Father James Martin, S.J., and Jamie Merisotis at 1 p.m. EST, Monday, Feb. 14, for a virtual discussion on human work, spirituality, and empathy.

Designing for Racial Equity: Student Financial Aid

During webinar 2, we’ll learn together from state policy leaders and experts in the field as they share state policy insights and promising practices on student financial aid.

January 2022

Human Work and National Security—A discussion with retired admiral and former NATO commander James Stavridis

Join leaders and authors Admiral Stavridis and Jamie Merisotis for an engaging discussion on how human work and national security can help create paths that help a lot more people—diverse in every way—to learn, earn and serve others, with the aim of empowering our economy, strengthening our democracy, and advancing equity and justice for every American.

Designing for Racial Equity: Student-Centered Funding

Join us for the first of three webinars focused on helping states achieve racial justice and equity.

December 2021

Equity First
A Conversation with Dr. Freeman Hrabowski

Join us December 15, 4:00 – 5:00 PM ET for a special conversation with Dr. Freeman A. Hrabowski, president of University of Maryland at Baltimore County.

October 2021

Equity First
Tackling Tenure, Part 2

The second webinar in our Equity First series focusing on Tackling Tenure. In this session, we will continue to explore how barriers inside and outside the Academy reinforce inequities in the promotion and tenure system

Equity First
Tackling Tenure, Part 1

Please join us October 7, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. EDT for Tackling Tenure: Part 1, the next conversation in our Equity First series.

HBCU Adult Learner Initiative

HBCUs are continuously encountering obstacles that make it difficult for them to build capital, develop organizational capacity, and remain sustainable. Lumina seeks to partner with HBCU’s to address these obstacles through targeted capacity building related to institutional sustainability and student success particularly for working adult students.

August 2021

UpSkilling Detroit: The Kelly Certification Institute

Employers need a highly skilled workforce, and workers need more skills to grow their careers. The Kelly Certification Institute is meeting this demand by providing education and training to those looking for economic opportunity connected to today's and tomorrow's labor demand. Join us for a conversation about how this program is serving adults in the Detroit region, how it connects to broader movements to improve the region's learning system, and how others might work collaboratively to ensure people have the credentials they need to participate in the workforce and sustain themselves.

Racial Justice and Equity RFP Information Session

Learn more about Lumina Foundation's Racial Justice and Equity RFP opportunity. Staff members will provide an overview of key information and answer questions from participants.

Stronger Nation Webinar: Progress Toward a More Talented and Equitable Nation

Join us for a first look at the new Stronger Nation searchable data tool. Together, we’ll explore where the nation, states, and even counties are in the country’s quest to help more people secure valuable education and training after high school.

June 2021

Equity First
A Conversation with Dr. Shaun R. Harper

Join us for a special conversation in our Equity First series with Dr. Shaun R. Harper, Executive Director of the USC Race and Equity Center

April 2021

Equity First
A Conversation with Julián Castro

Join us for a special conversation in our Equity First Series with Julián Castro, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Mayor of San Antonio, Texas, and Presidential Candidate. This conversation, facilitated by Lumina Foundation Senior Vice President and Chief Policy Officer Dr. Danette Howard, will focus on Secretary Castro’s experiences working at the intersection of public policy, expanding opportunity, and leading for racial equity.

March 2021

Military Credentialing Advancement Initiative Report Launch

Join The American Legion and Lumina Foundation as we release our new report "The Future of Credentialing of Servicemembers and Veterans: Leveraging Partners, Policies and Resources."

Equity First
A Conversation with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi

Join us for a special conversation in our Racial Justice and Equity Series with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, National Book Award winner and author of How to Be an Antiracist, Stamped From the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America, and editor of Four Hundred Souls: A Community History of African America, 1619-2019. Dr. Kendi leads the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research. This conversation, facilitated by Lumina Foundation Senior Vice President and Chief Policy Officer Dr. Danette Howard, will explore how racism and inequity are entrenched and advanced through public policy, and how public policy can become a tool for equity and justice.

February 2021

How 2020 Changed the Way Americans View Higher Education

Attitudes on America’s colleges & universities have been changing for a long time. But everything we thought we knew before 2020 has changed dramatically, as COVID-19 upended our world and higher ed system this past year. Luckily, several organizations conducted public opinion research mid-pandemic to track students’ & voters’ perceptions of higher ed over the last year, and what shifting attitudes mean for the long-term sustainability of the sector.

December 2020

Making the Case for the Recognition of Learning: Evidence from the Field to Scale Effective Practices and Policies

Not all learning takes place in the classroom. Students often gain valuable knowledge and applicable skills on the job, during military service, through certifications, or from life experiences. The Recognition of Learning, also known as Prior learning assessment (PLA) makes it possible for students to earn academic credit for nontraditional learning. Eight out of ten U.S. higher education institutions offer one or more PLA options to students, but it’s still not always easy for students to earn credits for a variety of reasons. Those that are able to earn credits thanks to PLA often finish degrees that they otherwise would not have.

October 2020

Navigating the Work of the Future with LinkedIn and Microsoft

It’s time to spark a shift in America’s postsecondary education system—to make learning more accessible, equitable, and applicable. Join us for our second virtual Convening—a discussion with Microsoft and LinkedIn on human work, labor market outcomes, credentials, and digital skills needed in a COVID-19 economy.

Virtual State Policy Retreat 2020 - Planning for a More Equitable Future

In this time of upheaval, state leaders face unprecedented social and economic challenges. They must work to spark a shift in our education and talent development systems to ensure they are equitable to all. Join us for our Virtual State Policy Retreat—two days of in-depth talks, breakouts and networking time—where we will take on these issues and more.

A Virtual Book Launch

Join us for a virtual book launch with Lumina Foundation President and CEO Jamie Merisotis as we celebrate the October 6th release of his second book, Human Work in the Age of Smart Machines. Jamie will be joined by thought leaders to discuss his book's key theme—human work as the work of the future. Be sure to follow @LuminaFound and @JamieMerisotis on Twitter for more updates, and use the hashtag #HumanWork to join the conversation!

September 2020

A Discussion on Race, Learning and Culture with the Smithsonian

During this time of upheaval, it’s more important than ever to have thoughtful—and thought-provoking—discussions around today’s most critical issues. Join the Smithsonian Latino Center and Lumina Foundation for a virtual roundtable on race, learning, and culture in higher education.

August 2020

Short-Term Credentials and Racial Equity: Complicated Past, Promising Future

With Lumina Foundation’s support, National Skills Coalition and Education Strategy Group are partnering to help states and postsecondary systems prioritize quality non-degree credentials that will quickly help people find and keep better jobs.

July 2020

(Re)Thinking Black Student Debt

In 2017, data from the U.S. Department of Education revealed that half of Black borrowers default on their student loans within 12 years of enrollment, and more recent data reveal that these trends have continued. Even as the issue of college affordability and student debt have become central to public policy discourse, the necessary companion conversation about the effect of endemic structural racism on inequitable student outcomes has been less robust.

A Stronger Nation Webinar: Counting Short-Term, Industry Certifications

Courtney Brown and Jeff Strohl discuss the importance of high-quality industry certifications. This is the first year that our ‘A Stronger Nation’ data tracker measures certifications in postsecondary education attainment, and we’re excited to recognize this critical pathway for skills development and recognition.

June 2020

HBCU Perspectives: Leadership Perspectives and Priorities

Lumina Foundation national webinar from June 25, 2020 features 3 HBCU presidents from Howard University, Dillard University, and Morgan State University who have led their institutions to improve student retention and completion rates for all students, as well as for diverse student populations within HBCUs. Learn about how these leaders are planning and prioritizing moving forward, and how they view the role of HBCUs in our current context.

Lumina Convenings & Events

From spark to shift: we're stronger when we work together.

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