Brad Kelsheimer

Brad Kelsheimer served as vice president for finance and investments, and chief financial officer for Lumina from 2017 to 2022.

More about Brad
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Higher education’s $50 billion problem

Brad Kelsheimer, Courtney Brown  | 
At a time when society needs it more than ever, higher education in the United States is in crisis.     Costs to students and their families continue to rise, states are questioning their level of investment, quality is eroding, racial attainment gaps are increasing, operating deficits at the ins
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From a former higher-ed finance leader with three daughters in college: Here’s why I’m optimistic

Brad Kelsheimer  | 
For all who care about higher ed, it’s hard to imagine a worse set of health and economic challenges than what we face today. But there’s also room for optimism about how we might emerge with an education system that serves everyone better. Here are the three rays of hope – call them opportuni
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Endowments, foundations face their own challenges

Brad Kelsheimer  | 
Endowments and foundations face some unique and unprecedented challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. While most had prepared for some kind of market downturn following a record-long bull market, the closure of universities and the subsequent loss of revenue from room and board, tuition and
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University of Chicago is vulnerable in new COVID era

Brad Kelsheimer  | 
The University of Chicago has invested heavily in recent years to leap ahead of the pack, besting its elite local rival Northwestern University in national rankings, but its weaker financial profile is making it more vulnerable to fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.
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College closures are a tough—but needed—step to serving students better

Brad Kelsheimer  | 
Colleges and universities, caught in a crossfire of rising costs and increasing impatience from families and funders, face an ongoing onslaught of tough choices in the next few years.

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