According to new results released today from the annual Gallup/Lumina Foundation poll, Americans are ready for a renewal of our nation’s higher education system. They overwhelmingly believe that institutions should reduce tuition and fees and want to see a new system of credentials and credits that is defined by learning and competencies rather than time.
Snapshot of Findings
- Nearly all Americans (97%) say having a degree or certificate beyond high school is at least somewhat important to a person’s financial security.
- More than two-thirds (67%) say getting a good job is a very important reason for getting education beyond high school. Nearly as many, 65%, say earning more money is a very important reason to get education beyond high school.
- Of Americans who do not have a postsecondary degree or certificate, the majority agree or strongly agree that they would feel more secure in their job and their financial future if they did have one.
- About four in 10 (41%) Americans without a postsecondary degree or certificate say they have thought about going back to school to earn one.