
The Grantee Perception Report® shows an individual philanthropic funder its grantee perceptions relative to a set of perceptions of other funders whose grantees were surveyed by Center for Effective Philanthropy.

Throughout this report, Lumina Foundation’s survey results are compared to CEP’s broader dataset of more than 40,000 grantees built up over a decade of grantee surveys of more than 350 funders.

To protect the confidentiality of respondents results are not shown when CEP received fewer than ten responses to a specific question.

Survey themes include:

  • Impact on grantees’ fields, communities, and organizations
  • Understanding of intended beneficiaries and challenges
  • Interactions and communications with grantees
  • Application, reporting, and evaluation processes
  • Assistance beyond the grant
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

About the GPR

Since 2003, the Grantee Perception Report® (GPR) has provided funders with comparative, candid feedback based on grantee perceptions. The GPR is the only grantee survey process that provides comparative data, and is based on extensive research and analysis. Hundreds of funders of all types and sizes have commissioned the GPR, and tens of thousands of grantees have provided their perspectives to help funders improve their work. CEP has surveyed grantees in more than 150 countries and in 8 different languages.

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