Lumina Foundation is supporting a Roadtrip Nation documentary on the future of work and opportunities for people with no degree beyond high school. The first step is finding three “roadtrippers” interested in exploring their career and education prospects in a journey this fall across the country in one of Roadtrip Nation’s signature lime-green RVs.

This is a great opportunity not only for the three people on the trip but for the rest of us to follow along through online updates and eventually listen in as they talk to people who inspire and challenge them.

Most of us can think of turning points in our lives and careers where we met the right person, heard the voice of experience or found a breakthrough moment in the story of someone else’s journey. That’s what this is about.

People interested should apply by June 1, 2018, must be at least 18, commit to three weeks of travel and conducting interviews, and meet other conditions.

“We send people on trips in our green RV to figure out their road in life. We film it all and turn it into a show to help people build lives around their interests,” the group says in its application.

“Life’s got a way of throwing curveballs. The stable job you planned to work till retirement is downsizing or just outright replacing you with a robot. All the stuff you learned on the job carries way less weight now than you hoped it would. Part of you wonders if more education after high school would’ve made it all a little easier.”

But technology and other advances mean new opportunities for success in growing industries.

“Come meet the people who found new unexpected paths and hear how they did it,” the RTN pitch says. “The education and training to get there is more accessible than ever, and we’re going to explore it.”

The roadtrippers and their documentary will explore career pathways that are available through higher education, apprenticeships, trade schools, online education and other means. During the trip in September and October they’ll interview people who are building new careers, and whose experiences may highlight options for others.

The resulting documentary will be shared on public television and other video platforms. Roadtrip Nation’s website includes the group’s previous films, dozens of interviews, and other resources.

The application, FAQ and other information is at

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