Governors’ Top Education Priorities in 2024

March 13, 2024
In their 2024 State of the State addresses, governors across the country celebrated achievements in education and shared their hopes for students’ futures. They also shared potential obstacles that their states have yet to overcome. Some governors reflected on improvements that can be made across the education pipeline, from early care and education through high…

Ending Unfunded Mandates in Higher Education

Dec. 14, 2023
The United States will be unable to meet its higher education goals without changing the way it funds public colleges and universities, says a new report from Complete College America. Current funding models do not sufficiently advance fully scaled improvements, the report states. Instead, today’s models create unfunded mandates: Colleges are required to increase completion…

Variation in Community College Funding Levels: A Focus on Equity

Dec. 4, 2023
In many states, there is wide variation in funding levels among community colleges. Several factors account for these differences, including state funding allocation formulas, unequal local funding from property tax revenues, and political forces. To ensure equal opportunity among students from different racial and ethnic groups, community colleges need equitable funding. If community colleges enrolling…

A Typology and Policy Landscape Analysis of State Investments in Short-Term Credential Pathways

July 19, 2023
The higher education landscape is evolving rapidly, and short-term credentials—including microcredentials, sub-baccalaureate credentials, and non-degree credentials—are increasingly taking center stage. With the job market constantly changing, there is growing demand for these valuable certificates and micro-degrees, which can enhance individuals’ career prospects and help meet the evolving needs of the today’s economy.
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Preliminary Report of the Special Committee on Academic Freedom and Florida

May 24, 2023
A new report from the American Association of University Professors says the politically, racially, and ideologically motivated attacks on public higher education in Florida are damaging the quality of Florida’s public higher education. If sustained, the efforts threaten the “very survival of meaningful higher education in the state, with dire implications for the entire country,”…

Normalizing Opportunity: A Policy Agenda to Promote Economic Advancement for People With Criminal Records

April 24, 2023
The U.S. economy has a talent pipeline challenge. Employers in several industries are struggling to fill job vacancies, and the gap between the demand for labor and the supply of talent is likely to grow. In the next decade, the labor supply is projected to shrink, while recent federal investments are expected to spur the…
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Race, Ethnicity, and the Design of State Grant Aid Programs

Jan. 26, 2023
Most states use need-based state grant programs to reduce financial barriers to college for students from low-income households. The policy design and eligibility requirements of these grant programs vary from state to state and even across sectors. But some policies may unintentionally disproportionately exclude students from underrepresented racial and ethnic minority groups.

A New Birth of Freedom in Higher Education

Jan. 4, 2023
Conservatives frequently bemoan the ideological monoculture on college campuses, but they too rarely propose constructive solutions. One notable exception has been Arizona State University’s School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership, which is funded directly by the Arizona state legislature as a distinct academic unit.

English as a Second Language at California’s Community Colleges

Nov. 28, 2022
California’s community colleges began implementing Assembly Bill 705 reforms for credit English as a Second Language in fall 2021, two years after implementing similar reforms in English and math. With a broad goal of improving success and equity for students pursuing degrees and transfers to four-year colleges, AB 705 reforms are already making notable transformations…

Holistic Credit Mobility

Nov. 16, 2022
Today's postsecondary students accumulate college credit and other validated learning experiences from more sources and in more forms. Adult learners may complete military or corporate training, obtain credit for prior learning through a competency-based examination, or accumulate credits at multiple institutions along their educational journey. Additionally, high school students routinely earn college credit through dual…

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